L&S Customized Lighting Solutions | News

Thanks @Sicam! Always looking ahead to integrate ourselves into trends in the world of furniture and interior design

Written by L&S | 15 11 2022

At Sicam 2022 trade fair we presented our increasingly sustainable and integrable systems to support you in the projects of customized and multifunctional spaces for your customers.


The furnishings are becoming more and more multifunctional, for a fluid and flexible lifestyle and there is a renewed attention to a familiar design.
We are designing and proposing modular and versatile solutions for the different rooms of the house: from the kitchen, increasingly a space for aggregation and conviviality, to solutions to create illuminated shelves with sky-earth installation to give the living rooms the possibility of new areas to live and finally, the integration of technology to manage the details of light in a smart way.

Design, understood as design skills, is confirmed as the essential tool in the evolution of living spaces of today and tomorrow, and ingenious products are sought to have functional versatility for more informal and versatile lifestyles.
Our new solutions are geared to respond to these evolution in the furniture and design sector: versatility, modularity for perfect integration into furnishing projects, with the availability of high-efficiency light sources and "smart-home ready" solutions for controlling the light even remotely. Ideal at home for living areas, kitchens, bathrooms or walk-in closets, for shops, offices and hospitality.

Our vision is to continue along this path that distinguishes us on the market: to carry on the concept of Beauty and Well done, with a strong attention to quality details for durable products to "illuminate" your customers' projects.

Thanks for the great participation in the L&S stand and Forma e Function, for the first time together! Go to the Virtual Tour to discover the new products:


L&S - Virtual Tour

Forma e Funzione - Virtual Tour